About Us

PROBUS is a local, national and international association of retired people. It is a; non-political, non-sectarian, non-profit, non-fund raising autonomous club which provides regular opportunities for members to meet others in similar circumstances and levels of interest, to make new friends, and maintain and expand their interest. Dedicated to enriching the lives of retired Canadians by providing occasion for learning and friendship, PROBUS keeps members connected to their friends, old and new, and connected to their local community and world community through its programs of speakers and special events.

Get connected; stay connected! This “connectivity” is a driving force underlying a member’s participation. In 239 active clubs, more than 34,354 Canadians are now members of PROBUS which averages 12 new clubs a year. PROBUS Clubs of Canada comprise part of an estimated 3,500 clubs the world over with nearly 400,000 members. PROBUS is independent of all other organizations.

The word PROBUS is an abbreviation of the words PROfessional and BUSiness, but membership is not restricted to these two groups. The main criteria is that people who join be interested in activities around them, from municipal to international, and in new developments in a wide range of subjects. Aurora York Central PROBUS is a club for both men and women.

Monthly Meetings

Meetings are held at 10:00am on the second Wednesday of each month (except July/August) at the Royal Canadian Legion at 105 Industrial Parkway North, Aurora (rear door). Most meetings begin with some Club business, then a coffee break and social time. For the last hour there is a talk or entertainment by interesting speakers on a variety of subjects, usually with an opportunity afterwards for questions or discussions from the floor. Everyone is welcome to visit – just register at the reception and enjoy being with members and listening to our guest speakers.

Social Outings

Our Club also arranges trips to various venues including local theatres as well as the Shaw/Stratford Festivals depending on the various wishes of our members. A Christmas luncheon and a summer BBQ are two events one should not miss. A dining out at various restaurants in the community is another monthly event – a time to catch up and share a laugh or two.